The Three Little Pigs
Three little pigs trick the “Big Bad” Wolf and steal his trophy for the Wolf with the Windiest Breath. This fun show is humorous and lots of fun.
Practice Location: Perrysburg First Church, 200 West Second Street, Perrysburg, Ohio (enter on Walnut Street)
Practices: Tuesdays, April 8-May 20th
Practice Times: 3:00-4:00 p.m.
Dress Rehearsal: Tuesday, May 27, 5:00-6:00 p.m.
Show Date: Saturday, May 31with with Group One of Red at 2:15 p.m.
Participation Fee: $73.00 each
Tickets: $7.00 in advance, $8.00 at the door
Description: Participants will work on improving their performance skills as they prepare this show from start to finish. The focus for this show will be learning beginning theatre techniques.
Contact Info: Call or text 419-350-4721 or
pianoadventures1@gmail.com -
Includes: Script, CD with music for songs, use of costume

Contact Us!

Contact Info: There are no auditions for this program. Please sign up before 3:00 p.m. April 8. For questions, please contact Elaine.